Alberta Books Catalogue

Browse the latest titles by Alberta book publishers.

Moon Dust in My Hairnet

by JR Creaden

Mythic Roads Press


Moon Dust in My Hairnet is a fresh, hopeful, and diverse sci-fi romp following an autistic lunar lunch lady as she juggles relationships and threatening corporate overlords, all while adjusting to life on Lunar Trust One. 20-year-old Lane was perfectly happy living in her big sister’s shadow. The great Faraday Tanner, who invented the gravdrive…

Ascenti: Humans Opening to AI

by Edited by Lorene Shyba, James R. Parker

Durvile & UpRoute


Ascenti: Humans Opening to AI features a lineup of “Creatives” — humans in the cultural industries who specialize in visual art, writing (prose, poetry, and playwriting), photography, audiobook performance, sound design, and videogames. They experiment with AI by making original works within their respective artistic mediums, inspiring an AI program(s) to generate works based on prompts…

Limited Verse

by David Martin

University of Calgary Press


At the close of the twenty-first century, a prison population awaits transport to a world where their memories will be Cleaned, and where they will be Harmonized into the language of New English, made up of only 850 words. One person, knowing of this inevitability, secretly translates poetry into this limited tongue, a gift to…

Protest and Partnership: Case Studies of Indigenous Peoples, Consultation and Engagement, and Resource Development in Canada

by ed. Jennifer Winter and Brendan Boyd

University of Calgary Press


The development of equitable relationships and outcomes among Indigenous communities, resource development companies, and governments in Canada is slow and uneven. Protest and Partnership brings together expert contributors to ask what works—and what doesn’t—in these relationships. It explores what processes lead to greater involvement and control in decision-making by Indigenous Peoples and the establishment of…

Moving to Delilah

by Catherine Owen

Freehand Books


From award-winning poet Catherine Owen, a collection of poems about one woman’s journey from BC to a new life in Alberta, where she buys an old house and creates a new meaning of home. In search of stability and rootedness, in 2018 Catherine Owen moved from coastal Vancouver to prairie Edmonton. There, she purchased a…

The Riel Problem: Canada, the Métis, and a Resistant Hero

by Albert Braz

University of Alberta Press


Tracing Louis Riel’s metamorphosis from traitor to hero, Braz argues that, through his writing, Riel resists his portrayal as both a Canadian patriot and a pan-Indigenous leader. After being hanged for high treason in 1885, the Métis politician, poet, and mystic has emerged as a quintessential Canadian champion. The Riel Problem maps this representational shift…

Cape Breton in the Long Twentieth Century: Formations and Legacies of Industrial Capitalism

by edited by Lachlan MacKinnon & Andrew Parnaby

Athabasca University Press


The emergence, dominance, and alarmingly rapid retreat of modernist industrial capitalism on Cape Breton Island during the “long twentieth century” offers a particularly captivating window on the lasting and varied effects of deindustrialization. Now, at the tail end of the industrial moment in North American history, the story of Cape Breton Island presents an opportunity…

Where We Live

by Karen Hofmann

NeWest Press


The third and final novel in the Lund sibling series, Where We Live continues the story of four Vancouverites, separated in childhood, reunited and now middle-aged, as they navigate urban life, work, relationships, and parenting in the late 2010s. With their familial bond shaped by their divergent adult experiences as well as their shared early childhood in…

Love Life Loss and a little bit of hope

by Chief R. Stacey Laforme

Durvile & UpRoute


Chief Stacey Laforme breathes life into every poem and story he shares, drawing from his own experiences. Rich with the essence of his soul, the poems in this book capture the moments and emotions that have shaped him. His desire is for readers to not just read, but to truly feel the humour and pain…

Call of the Void

by J.T. Siemens

NeWest Press


Now a fully-fledged private investigator, Sloane Donovan is bored by her latest task of keeping a debauched starlet alive and out of the headlines as she films a movie in Vancouver. When she and her partner Wayne Capson are contacted by a grieving mother looking to resurrect the cold case of her missing daughter, Sloane…

Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities: Colonial Extractivism and Wet’suwet’en Resistance

by Tyler McCreary

University of Alberta Press


Indigenous Legalities, Pipeline Viscosities examines the relationship between the Wet’suwet’en and hydrocarbon pipeline development, showing how colonial governments and corporations seek to control Indigenous claims and how the Wet’suwet’en resist. Tyler McCreary explores pipeline regulatory review processes, reviews attempts to reconcile Indigeneity with development, and asks fundamental questions about territory and jurisdiction. In the process,…

Prairies entrelacées: Tissage, modernismes et cadre élargi (1960-2000)

by Edited by Michele Hardy, Timothy Long, and Julia Krueger

University of Calgary Press


Au cours de la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle, un foisonnement remarquable d’oeuvres textiles novatrices s’est produit dans les Prairies canadiennes. Mêlant traditions artisanales, mouvements de l’art moderne et moderniste et approches théoriques, un groupe de créateurs d’origines diverses ouvrent alors un magnifique chapitre de l’art du textile. Prairies entrelacées, qui réunit certains des chercheurs…

Toward an Anti-Racist Poetics

by Wayde Compton

University of Alberta Press


Toward an Anti-Racist Poetics seeks to dislodge the often unspoken white universalism that underpins literary production and reception today. In this personal and thoughtful book, award-winning author Wayde Compton explores how we might collectively develop a poetic approach that makes space for diversity by doing away with universalism in both lyric and avant-garde verse. Poignant…


by Patrick Grace

University of Alberta Press


Deviant traces a trajectory of queer self-discovery from childhood to adulthood, examining love, fear, grief, and the violence that men are capable of in intimate same-sex relationships. Richly engaged with the tangible and experiential, Patrick Grace’s confessional poetry captures profound, sharp emotions, tracking a journey impacted equally by beauty and by brutality. Coming-of-age identity struggles…

That Audible Slippage

by Margaret Christakos

University of Alberta Press


That Audible Slippage invokes a poetics of active listening and environmental sound to investigate the ways in which we interact with the world, balancing perception and embodiment alongside a hypnagogic terrain of grief and mortality. Audibility is a primary theme of this collection—what can be heard, what is obstacled, and what remains unheard. Many of…


by Dawn Macdonald

University of Alberta Press


Fresh, funny, and imbued with infectious energy, Northerny tells a much-needed and compelling story of growing up and living in the North. Here are no tidy tales of aurora borealis and adventures in snow. For Dawn Macdonald, the North is not an escape, a pathway to enlightenment, or a lifestyle choice. It’s a messy, beautiful,…

All Sky, Mirror Ocean: A Healing Manifesto

by Brad Necyk

University of Alberta Press


All Sky, Mirror Ocean is for everyone looking to understand the complex issues around mental illness and healing. Combining autobiography, research-creation, poetry, and creative philosophy, Brad Necyk uses art and words to uncover and tell new stories about trauma and recovery. Necyk weaves his own histories with bipolar affective disorder and childhood medical trauma with…

Unsettling Colonialism in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

by ed. Vicki Chartrand and Josephine Savarese

Athabasca University Press


The development of the Canadian criminal justice system has been central to the dispossession of Indigenous populations and the safeguarding of colonial relations of power. Contributors to this volume examine historical expressions and ongoing reinforcement of settler colonialism with a view to illuminating how it manifests in contemporary police actions and criminal proceedings. Using an…

Wheeling in Good Hands: Holistic Massage for Wheelchair Users

by Christine Sutherland

Brush Education


Christine Sutherland, a pioneering massage therapy educator and one of the founders of the Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy, teaches wheelchair basics and a range of techniques for wheelchair massage. You’ll learn about common problems stemming from wheelchair use, basic massage strokes, steps for massaging someone sitting in a wheelchair, and massage routines for specific…

Last But Not Least: A Guide to Proofreading Text

by Leslie Vermeer

Brush Education


Last But Not Least is a combination primer and workbook to teach you the specific skills you need to find grammar gremlins, typos, and other slips that mar your copy and compromise communication. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, an administrative assistant or a communications specialist, a novice in the field or a seasoned…