December 9, 2020: kinisitohtên cî: Do you understand? : Moving beyond colonialism in editing

The Book Publishers Association of Alberta is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar: kinisitohtên cî: Do you understand? : Moving beyond colonialism in editing, presented by Chelsea Vowel.

For generations, Indigenous authors have been forced to reshape their words and stories to be legible to a non-Indigenous audience. Increasingly this practice is shifting as Indigenous peoples assert our worldviews within mainstream publishing. Editors must embrace discomfort, and integrate ongoing cultural learning into their work so as to not purposely or even accidentally work at odds with authentic voices. What does this look like, when there is such a diversity of Indigenous cultures? This session will discuss some best practices for editors working with Indigenous authors.

This event is free for members of the BPAA and the ABPBC. Please register to reserve your spot by 4:30pm MST on Tuesday, December 8.

Chelsea Vowel is Métis from manitow-sâkahikan (Lac Ste. Anne) Alberta, residing in amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton). Mother to six girls, she has a BEd, LLB, and MA. She is a Cree language instructor at the Faculty of Native studies at the University of Alberta.

Chelsea is a public intellectual, writer, and educator whose work intersects language, gender, Métis self-determination, and resurgence. Author of Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis & Inuit Issues in Canada, she and her co-host Molly Swain produce the Indigenous feminist sci-fi podcast Métis in Space, and co-founded the Métis in Space Land Trust.

Chelsea blogs at and makes legendary bannock.

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