BPAA Statement on Libraries

August 6, 2020

Edmonton — The Book Publishers Association of Alberta (BPAA) issued the following statement, in response to an op-ed in the July 25th Globe and Mail:

“The BPAA has a long-standing positive relationship with Alberta’s libraries. Through our interaction with them at the annual Alberta Library Conference, our partnership with them through the Read Alberta eBooks and Prairie Indigenous eBooks collections, and our ongoing relations as we each seek to serve the reading public, we have forged solid alliances with our library colleagues.

“Alberta publishers believe unequivocally in the value of the service that libraries provide, and in the contribution that they make to a better-read society by providing access to reading materials to all citizens, regardless of their socio-economic standing.”


For more information, contact:

Kieran Leblanc, Executive Director
c. 780.918.8375
e. kleblanc@bookpublishers.ab.ca

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