ACP Releases Submission on NAFTA and Canadian Book Publishing

July 26, 2017 In its submission to Global Affairs Canada’s consultations on the upcoming renegotiation and modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) calls for maintenance of NAFTA’s cultural exception, a renewed commitment to Canadian ownership of cultural industries, and stronger protections for copyright and intellectual property. The full submission is available for download from the association’s website.

“The cultural exception is as important to a good agreement today as when it was first established in the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement thirty years ago,” said ACP president Glenn Rollans. “The exception recognizes the unique role that cultural industries play in our respective countries, and has contributed to the growth and development of a thriving Canadian publishing industry. Its maintenance in any modernization of NAFTA is of critical importance to Canadian-owned book publishers, who are responsible for publishing the vast majority of new, Canadian-authored books each year.”


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